I am pleased to confirm and attach the 2023 GCRC Rule set for UK Competition Crawling. This continues the C1, C2 and C3 classes with refinements made from learnings, feedback and debate over the 2022 year.
As with all rules there may be some that you do not necessarily like or agree with as has been the case within our own management, myself included but these points have been debated at length and a consensus made so please respect them. The rules will not fundamentally change now for the 2023 calendar year / Season but may be refined to give greater clarity if needed under version control. As for this ruleset we will gather feedback and revise and refine for 2024 keeping in mind that we want to keep the rules as simple to understand, administer and enter as this is all about competitive fun in the end.
The key changes are:
• C1 – Chassis requirement changes
• C1 – Use of sand ladders with penalty
• ALL – NOT allowing kinetic winches or winching.
• ALL – Servo winching penalty increased to 3pts.
• Greater clarification on points of debate in 2022 Season.
As with the current rules (the 2022 rules are still the live ruleset until Jan 1st 2023) they are free to use at any event at any level. There is a local rules section so if your group or club feel there is something lacking or you wish to counter a rule this can be done.
The rules most up to date rules will be stored on the GCRC Family Facebook Group under the media tab.
I would like to take the opportunity to thank the Management Team and Team Drivers for their input, knowledge and time into getting these rules ready. The process started in June of this year.
I would also like to thank all those that took part, help, scored, hosted GCRC events in 2022 YOU are what makes this hobby great!